Cybersecurity Trends For 2023

Recently, we have noticed that the number of threats is increasing. These are malware, risks of information leakage, surveillance problems, weaknesses in security systems, and shortcomings of cloud storage systems. Cybersecurity remains a key issue for 2023 as well. This year, security will require record investments. At the same time, more and more companies and private users are interested in how to secure their data. What are the 5 cybersecurity trends for 2023 that we can highlight? What should you pay attention to?

Trend 1. The danger of advanced viruses

Security systems do not stand still and are constantly being improved. However, virus software does the same. Viruses are becoming more complex, dangerous, and targeted. Owners of Apple technology are at increased risk. This is due to the improvement of viruses for macOS. Viruses focus on the fact that the same information is used to enter different systems. Ransomware is also getting more complex. Such software can block files and even hard drives. At the same time, hackers are not only interested in desktop users. Corporations and industrial systems often become victims of hackers.

Trend 2. Problems with cloud storage

We use the cloud to store personal and corporate information. We expect the cloud to save our data, and protect it from deletion or loss from the computer. In addition, we use backup data from applications. Many users believe that the cloud is ideal for storing data: these are photos, videos, documents, and confidential information. So what do we have? A huge amount of data is being moved to cloud storage. Accordingly, hackers target the vulnerabilities of the cloud: accounts, passwords, and applications that integrate cloud functions. Of course, some cloud services warn the client that they tried to log into his account from another device. However, this precaution is still not a mass rule. And hackers take advantage of it. Another danger: the storage of data for entering the cloud storage in a web browser and files on a computer.

Trend 3: Widespread use of Virtual Reality

Connecting new home devices through local networks can also be a source of danger. So, hackers are looking for weaknesses in systems like voice assistants on your PCs. Also, don’t forget about viruses. Malicious programs not only gain access to information but also change it. What’s more, skilled hackers can gain remote access to your networks, compromising the security of the user’s virtual reality. Malefactors quite often attack not only personal computers but also virtual reality devices. That’s why it is important to know cybersecurity trends.

Trend 4. Problems with using artificial intelligence

We can say that artificial intelligence (AI) both helps cybersecurity and harms it. Although it is not yet a sustainable trend, AI and machine learning have already become part of cybersecurity. On the one hand, they are used to better detect hazards, scan the system and improve security. On the other hand, hackers use AI for their purposes. With the help of AI, they create newer and more sophisticated malware. For example, such programs can identify a potential victim by voice or face, recognizing them. After that, certain triggers are activated and data is stolen. Thus, AI can also become a weapon in the hands of an experienced hacker.

Trend 5: Importance of cybersecurity education

Considering all the dangers, of course, it becomes obvious: we need a special education that will become our eyes in the cyber world. This education opens up the methods by which we can protect our confidential information. We need to understand which online habits are safe and which ones we should get rid of. The main idea: is to secure our data at a lower cost. Because we know how expensive cybersecurity can be sometimes. By the way, many cyber education programs are available online for free. It will help us develop a knowledge base to ensure our safety when working with a computer.

What is the result?

Yes, the threats that the cyber world poses to us are difficult to predict. But all these threats, at the same time, are based on popular technologies. So, we can predict that hackers will be interested in cloud services – simply because it’s popular. The weaknesses of systems like artificial intelligence also give us reason to think: these weaknesses are the Klondike for a hacker. So, we should be more careful about it. Knowing cybersecurity trends is also a step towards education in this area.

It is important to stay up to date on the latest cybersecurity trends in order to protect yourself and your organization from cyber threats. Here are five trends to watch for in 2023:

  1. Ransomware attacks will continue to be a major threat, with attackers targeting larger organizations and demanding higher ransoms.
  2. Artificial intelligence and machine learning will be increasingly used to detect and prevent cyber attacks, as well as to automate various cybersecurity processes.
  3. The use of secure protocols, such as HTTPS and TLS, will become more widespread as organizations seek to protect their data in transit.
  4. The adoption of zero-trust architecture, which assumes that all network traffic is malicious and requires authentication and authorization, will continue to increase.
  5. The use of quantum computers, which have the potential to crack current encryption standards, will become more prevalent, leading to the development of new, quantum-resistant encryption technologies.

But that is not the end, here are some more predictions for the evolution of cybercrime in 2023:

  1. Increase in digital supply chain attacks: With the digitization of supply chains, there is an increased risk of attacks on software supply chains. It is predicted that by 2025, 45% of organizations worldwide will have experienced such attacks, which is a three-fold increase from 2021.
  2. Rise of mobile-specific cyber threats: As mobile devices become more common in the workplace, they are also becoming a greater target for cyber attacks. Cyber crimes involving mobile devices have increased by 22% in the past year, according to the Verizon Mobile Security Index. This highlights the need to move away from SMS-based authentication and towards more secure multifactor authentication methods.
  3. Emphasis on cloud security: As more companies adopt cloud-based activities, it is important to prioritize cloud security to protect stored information. A zero trust philosophy, which verifies everything and trusts nothing without authorization or inspection, is a reliable way to safeguard against cloud-based cybercrime.
  4. Continued prevalence of Ransomware-as-a-Service: Ransomware attacks continue to increase, with a 13% increase in ransomware breaches year-over-year, according to data from Verizon. Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) has also become more prevalent, allowing non-technical individuals to launch ransomware attacks by renting out the necessary tools and infrastructure.
  5. Expansion of phishing attacks: Phishing attacks, which involve the use of fraudulent emails or websites to obtain sensitive information, are expected to continue to be a major threat. These attacks will likely become more targeted and sophisticated, using personal information and current events to make them more convincing.
  6. Rise of deepfake technology: Deepfake technology, which involves creating realistic, fake videos or audio using artificial intelligence, is expected to become more prevalent and sophisticated in 2023. This technology can be used for malicious purposes, such as creating fake news or impersonating someone in a video or audio message.
  7. Increased focus on data privacy laws: As data privacy laws become more stringent, organizations will need to pay closer attention to compliance in order to avoid potential fines and damage to their reputation. This includes implementing strong cybersecurity measures and being transparent about how personal data is collected and used.

To secure and protect your organization in the year ahead, it is important to implement strong cybersecurity measures and programs, prioritize mobile and cloud security, and stay up-to-date on data privacy laws.


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