Social Media Etiquette And Data Sharing

It is difficult to say where we communicate more: in person or through social networks. As with face-to-face communication, the virtual world also has its own social media etiquette. There are certain rules, and filters that you need to use if you love social media. This information will help you understand the proper ways of using your profile.

What information can you safely share online with social media etiquette?

It should be said right away that you should not share too much information. Cybersecurity requires anonymity. Of course, using social media, it is impossible to remain completely anonymous. However, this also does not mean that you should publish all possible data about yourself in your profile. There are obvious things that should not be made public. For example, your domestic problems, family troubles, health problems, and so on. First, some data is not safe to share because scammers can take advantage of your trust. Secondly, certain facts are unpleasant to read.

Is it a good idea to share photos?

Everything is good in moderation. Agree, probably, and you are annoyed when you see hundreds of pictures with images of pets, cats, and children. All of these photos are, of course, well seasoned with emoticons. Yes, your family, cat, and children are adorable, no one argues with that. But you should remember that your social media profile is no longer just yours. This is your public face. If you still want to turn your profile into a blog, then write a content plan for yourself. That is, determine what and when you will publish. A rational approach is never superfluous.

How to use hashtags correctly?

Hashtags make it easier to find the information you need. If you want to increase profile awareness and reach more people, hashtags will help you too. What is a hashtag anyway? This is an optimal way to look for different things and events that happen around. This process uses your social media profile. However, despite the effectiveness of hashtags, you should not abuse them. With a lot of hashtags, especially generic ones, your message or post will look more like spam. Use a small number of specific, narrow, less popular hashtags.

Should you share personal information?

The answer to this question is unequivocal: no. Firstly, your personal information is what scammers are after. With social media, scammers steal not just your data, but your identity. Secondly, sharing data such as phone numbers, email addresses, and social security number is not safe. Because this information, for example, is often tied to your bank account. So social media etiquette is that it’s best to keep your private data private.

What should your social media posts look like?

Many people like to share information that is irrelevant and not useful. For example, you must have seen hundreds of times on social media quotes without a caption, strange pieces from incomprehensible books and other “Internet wisdom”. It’s even worse when you use such vague information in your profile status or bio description. Most people are faced with a huge amount of information every day. Therefore, additional unnecessary, unimportant information can annoy them. Try to keep your posts and messages useful and concise.

💡 Communication in the virtual world is no less popular and important than communication in the real world. Therefore, it is natural that social media has also developed its etiquette to follow.


Social media has become an integral part of modern life, but it is important to be mindful of how you use it and what information you share online. Here are some tips for practicing good social media etiquette and protecting your data:

  1. Be careful about what you post online, as it can have long-term consequences.
  2. Think carefully about what information you share on your profiles, including your personal details and contact information.
  3. Keep your privacy settings up to date and limit who can see your posts and personal information.
  4. Use strong, unique passwords for all of your social media accounts and enable two-factor authentication when available.
  5. Be cautious when clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.

By following these tips, you can help to protect your personal information and maintain good social media etiquette.

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