Social Media Security: Is It Dangerous To Chat Online?

Social media often replaces real life for us. Have you noticed how often you look through the news on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter? Of course, social networks have become an integral part of our lives. This greatly simplifies our work and communication with friends and relatives. However, there is another side: the threats of cyber stalking, phishing, harassment and bullying through the Internet. Therefore, social media security does not lose its relevance.

Online communication and social media security

Let’s check what you are doing online. What do you do the most on this list?

🔍 studying social media updates;
🔍 chat on Facebook, Instagram and other networks;
🔍 checking news from companies and celebrities;
🔍 watching videos on social media;
🔍 writing posts (longer than 140 characters);
🔍 viewing photos on Pinterest;
🔍 using Google+ for communication and work.

If you ticked most of the boxes, then social media security is very important to you. You love to chat online. Social media is a great invention of mankind. They keep us up to date with the latest events and help to learn about the situation in our city, country and the world. There are very popular social media that have millions of users. This, of course, is Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter, Instagram, Tik-Tok and others. What do we usually do on social media? We communicate remotely with friends and family members. In addition, the online environment is the place of our work, leisure, and communication. Social media helps us keep up to date with the latest events and news. The main purpose and function of the online environment is connection. This means that this is a place where people, communities, teams, and companies with similar interests and goals connect.

Disadvantages of social media

However, social media also has its drawbacks. So, we are often nervous about notifications from social media. We get used to constantly going online, which can be addictive. But how do you know if you’re spending too much on your virtual life? Here is another checklist for you:

🔍 Your day starts with your favourite social media. You constantly think about checking your profile, and messages.
🔍 You frequently (for example, every hour) check social media to find out the latest news, and chat with friends and relatives.
🔍 Staying on social media is starting to get in the way of your work and family. Of course, if your work is related to social media (for example, marketing), this is a different matter. However, you don’t have to spend 8 or more hours a day on social media if it’s not your job.
🔍 You have noticed that your online communication interferes with relationships in your family.
🔍 It is easier for you to communicate online than to see people offline. Moreover, you began to notice that offline communication brings you discomfort. However, if you are sick or unable to go outside for some other reason, it is normal for your online communication to take precedence over your real-life communication.

Psychological aspects of social media security

No one has yet written exactly how much time a person can spend on social media. However, there is a certain limit, after which a person has problems in life. Let’s see what negative consequences social media can bring us:

1️⃣ Anxiety and depression. If you spend too much time online, then you may feel disconnected from reality. This, in turn, is fraught with a feeling of anxiety, anxiety, and depression.
2️⃣ iDisorder. The term belongs to California State University professor Larry Rosen. In particular, the professor describes the problem of excessive use of social media, which leads to iDisorder. This problem includes the following symptoms:

  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • narcissism;
  • hypochondria;
  • depression;
  • anxiety.

This list of symptoms goes on.
3️⃣ Difficulties with interpersonal communication. If you are used to communicating using messages, or text, then you will get used to direct communication. Accordingly, you will experience difficulties with interpersonal communication. In addition, while walking, meeting with family, and friends, or at dinner, you may feel the need to check social media. All this means that you are slightly dependent on the online environment.

How to spend less time on social networks?

Well, if you’re feeling anxious about spending too much time online, you might want to cut down on your social media time. Indeed, your profile makes your life easier. You can communicate, relax, and work using social media. However, good advice: try to balance online and offline pastimes. These tips will help you do it:

🔍 Set specific times of the day to check your social media. Try to stick to your chosen schedule.
🔍 Remove pop-up notifications on your smartphone and tablet. For example, most Facebook notifications are completely unimportant (like notifications about where your distant relatives went tonight).
🔍 Try not to use social media while you work (unless social media is part of your job).
🔍 Don’t access your profile when meeting with friends and family offline. Social networks make our life much easier. But they should not replace offline communication.

Social media should not replace other forms of communication. While it may improve relationships if it takes them away, it’s probably time to use them under control.

Summary: Social media security is an important issue to consider when using online platforms for communication and networking. There are several potential dangers associated with chatting online, including the possibility of cyberbullying, identity theft, and the spread of misinformation. It is important for users to be aware of these risks and to take steps to protect themselves and their personal information when using social media. This can include using strong, unique passwords, being cautious about sharing personal information, and being aware of suspicious activity or messages. By being vigilant and taking appropriate precautions, users can help to mitigate the risks associated with social media and chat online safely.

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