Week 31, August 1-7, 2022

Week 31, August 1-7, 2022. Cybersecurity Weekly Updates.

This week in the world of cybersecurity:

Researchers have made a concerning discovery, identifying nearly 3,200 mobile apps leaking Twitter API keys. This leakage puts countless Twitter users at potential risk. Meanwhile, from down under, an Australian hacker has been apprehended and charged for his role in creating and selling sinister spyware to the cyber-underworld. The ever-evolving tactics of cybercriminals continue to surprise; the Gootkit Loader has made a comeback with an updated strategy specifically tailored to compromise targeted computers. On the eastern front, Chinese hackers have been spotted wielding a novel hacking framework called Manjusaka, drawing striking similarities to the notorious Cobalt Strike tool. In a situation demanding urgent attention, a vulnerability in Atlassian Confluence has been taken advantage of by hackers to introduce the Ljl backdoor for covert espionage activities.


That’s a wrap on this week’s edition of the Cyber-Security Update. Remember, the cyber-security landscape is ever-changing, and staying informed is your primary defense. Hopefully, the insights and information shared today will assist in navigating this complex domain and in strengthening defenses against potential threats. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and look forward to more insights into the world of cyber-security in next week’s edition.

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